A Café Reunion in the Rain

 The rain tapped softly against the windows of the little café where Claire sat, lost in thought. She gazed out at the bustling street, her mind drifting back to memories of summer days and warm, sunlit afternoons. The contrast of the dreary weather only made those memories feel more distant, more precious.

The door chimed, and a gust of wind swept in, bringing with it a man in a rain-soaked coat. He shook off the rain and glanced around the café, his eyes landing on Claire. A slow smile spread across his face as he made his way to her table.

"James," Claire greeted him, her own smile mirroring his.

"Claire, it's good to see you," he said, pulling off his coat and draping it over a nearby chair. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all," she replied, gesturing to the steaming cup of coffee in front of her. "I’ve just been enjoying the rain."

James ordered a coffee and settled in across from Claire. They talked about everything and nothing, their conversation flowing easily as it always had. The rain outside created a cocoon of coziness around them, making the world feel smaller, more intimate.

After a while, James reached across the table and took Claire’s hand in his. "You know, I've always loved the rain," he said softly. "It reminds me of the day we first met."

Claire’s heart skipped a beat. "I remember that day," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You offered me your umbrella."

"And you laughed and said you loved walking in the rain," James finished with a chuckle. "I knew then that you were someone special."

They sat in companionable silence, the rain a soothing backdrop to their shared memories. As the café buzzed around them, Claire and James were lost in their own world, a world where the rain was a welcome reminder of the past and a promise for the future.
