In a community there lived a young girl named Ifeyinwa,she was an orphan who lost her parents when she was little,her father died when she was 3years while her mother died after a month of the death of her father.

Ifeyinwa was living with her wicked aunty,her aunty always maltreated her,she gives her hard works to do, like heaping clothes for her to wash both neat and dirty clothes.Her aunty treated her badly but cares for her own children.

One hot afternoon, Ifeyinwa was cooking with her Aunty,She was pounding pepper and mistakenly the pepper entered into her eyes,she shouted and started crying,her aunty didn’t even care to help her.

Chidi heard her crying and rushed out of the house and helped Ifeyinwa to wash her face.His mother was angry with him and shouted at him

“Why did you help her”Mrs Akudo asked

“Mama you’re wicked, why do you hate Ifeyinwa this much”Chidi said as he turned to Ifeyinwa and pleaded with her to stop crying

“Please don’t cry, I hope you’re fine now”Chidi consoled her

“I’m fine now”Ifeyinwa replied,she continued crying as she left the kitchen.

Ifeyinwa cried and went to the village square,she sat down close to the iroko tree and started singing and was crying, thinking about her parents.

The iroko tree dances immediately Ifeyinwa started singing.Ifeyinwa was shocked,she stopped singing, the tree also stopped dancing,she stood up and looked at the tree,she was scared and ran home.

Ifeyinwa never knew that there was something special in her voice that made the tree dance.

Ifeyinwa ran home, fortunately for her when she got home,her aunty wasn’t at home.

It was her cousins that were at home,she told them what happened.

“The iroko tree dance…”Ifeyinwa explained

“You’re joking right,The iroko tree can’t dance that’s not possible?”Amara interrupted Ifeyinwa

“How did it happen Ifeyinwa”Chidi asked

“Immediately I started singing,the iroko tree started dancing,I’m scared right now”Ifeyinwa said as her heart was beating fast

“Ifeyinwa are you a witch”Chidi asked

Amara thought what Ifeyinwa was telling them was joke,she laughed out loud.

“Amara don’t laugh, you know Ifeyinwa doesn’t lie,so answer me Ifeyinwa are you a witch”Chidi asked again

“I’m not a witch,how will you call me a witch”Ifeyinwa answered

“Alright,let’s go and find out if what you told us is true”Chidi said as they left

In Umuzi community their tradition forbids magic,they believe anyone that does magic except the gods that the person is a witch and will be banished from the community.

On reaching the village square,they stood in front of the iroko tree

“Ifeyinwa go ahead and sing,let’s see magic”Chidi said

Ifeyinwa started singing,the tree dance as she sings.

Chidi and Amara were shocked,they were just watching as the tree dances.

Ifeyinwa stopped singing and the tree also stopped dancing

“This is serious what are we going to do now?”Chidi asked

“Let’s go home first,we can come up with something good,I’m sure by now mama will be back”Amara told them,they left

Mrs Adaku was already outside waiting for them,they saw Mrs Adaku and were scared.

“Where are you three coming back from?”She asked

“Mama we went to play in the village square, please don’t be angry with us”Chidi pleaded on their behalf

Mrs Adaku loves her children,she forgave them and allowed them in.

Ifeyinwa was disturbed and scared,she wondered what made the Iroko tree dance whenever she sings.

Chidi and Amara kept it a secret they didn’t let their mother knew about it,if she eventually found out she will take Ifeyinwa to the palace and report her to the King,they will barnish her from the community.

Chidi and Amara thought of what to do.

“Amara let’s help Ifeyinwa,you know how mum do treat her bad and now she needs our help mostly”Chidi told Amara

“Yes she needs our help now”Amara said

Unknown to Chidi and Amara their mother heard their discussion, and luckily for them they didn’t mentioned the dancing tree.

Mrs Adaku came out from where she was hiding

“Hey what are you both discussing?”She asked

Chidi and Amara were shocked to see their mother,they didn’t know what to say, they kept quiet.

“I’m I not asking you both question,what are you both hiding from me?”She asked

“Mama it’s nothing,we are just discussing about ehmm..”Amara said

“Yes talk,what are you both discussing”She asked again

“Mama it’s Ifeyinwa,she has stomach ache,we are scared to tell you..”Chidi replied

“Hmmm where is she?… Ifeyinwa, Ifeyinwa”Mrs Adaku called out

Ifeyinwa ran out of the house.

“Aunty I’m here”Ifeyinwa answered

“Is it true that you are not fine”Mrs Adaku asked her

Chidi and Amara blinked their eyes and gave her a sign to say yes.

“Aunty yes”Ifeyinwa answered

“Go to mama Ngozi so she can mix herb for you”Mrs Adaku said

“Mama please let’s excort her”Chidi pleaded

“Alright, you guys should please come back fast”Mrs Adaku said as they left

Chidi wanted them to go back to the village square.

“Let’s go back to the village square I want to confirm something”Chidi said

“But why should we go back to the village square”Amara asked

“Don’t question me let’s go”Chidi said

They went back to the village square,Chidi started singing, hoping that the iroko tree will dance but unfortunately it didn’t dance.

“Amara please sing if the tree will dance”Chidi said

Amara sang but the tree didn’t dance.

Ifeyinwa and her cousins went back home.

Mrs Adaku sent Ifeyinwa to the market to buy food items.

Ifeyinwa forgot to bought some of the ingredients her aunty sent her due to she was bothered.

When Ifeyinwa came back from the market,Mrs Adaku checked what she bought, and it wasn’t complete,she shouted at her

“You foolish girl what made you forgot to buy the vegetable leaf I’ll use to cook”Mrs Adaku shouted

“Aunty I’m sorry..”Ifeyinwa begged

Before she could finish talking,Mrs Adaku gave her a hot slap, and started beating her mercilessly

Chidi and Amara ran out of the house to rescue Ifeyinwa

“Mama can you please stop…”Chidi and Amara said as they tried stopping their mother from beating Ifeyinwa.

Ifeyinwa escaped and ran to the village square,she was in pains,She cried and sang a sorrowful song and The iroko tree dances.

The village palm wine tapper hides and watched the tree dance as Ifeyinwa sing,he was surprised,he had never seen the tree dance before.

Ifeyinwa rested for some minutes before going home.

When Ifeyinwa left,The village palm wine tapper came out from where he was hiding,he walked to where the tree was,he sang but the tree didn’t dance

“Oh so Ifeyinwa is a witch, she does magic let me go and inform the King”The village palm wine tapper said

Onuwa the village palm wine tapper went to the palace,He bow down before the King as he greeted him

“Igwe,may you live long my king”Onuwa greeted

“Onuwa you are welcome”The King answered

“Igwe a witch is in our community she perform magic,she even made the Iroko tree that is in the village square to dance”Onuwa told the King

“What!,who is that”The King asked

“Igwe is Ifeyinwa the daughter of late Maazi Amadi”The palm wine tapper replied the King

“Guards!!”The King ordered for his guards

Ifeyinwa reached home,her aunty was waiting for her outside the house with Chidi and Amara

“Where are you coming from?”Mrs Adaku asked harshly

“Ehm aunty from the village square”Ifeyinwa answered

The palace guards emerges into the compound.

“Greetings, Ifeyinwa you are needed in the palace”One of the guards said

“Please what happened”Chidi asked

The guards didn’t responded to Chidi,they dragged Ifeyinwa and left.

Chidi and Amara looked at each other and tears rolled out from their eyes.

Mrs Adaku was confused,she asked her children what was wrong but they kept quiet.

Chidi and Amara ran and followed the guards till they got to the palace

In the palace

“Ifeyinwa I heard you are a witch”The King said

“Igwe I’m not a witch”Ifeyinwa answered as she was crying

“Then if you are not a witch how come the iroko tree that is in the village square dance whenever you sing”The King asked

“Igwe I don’t know why the tree do dance whenever I sing”Ifeyinwa answered

“Guards, announce to the villagers to assembled at the village square now”The king said

“Okay your highness”The guards responded as they left

In few minutes

All the Villagers were gathered in the village square.

Ifeyinwa was asked to sing,she sang a sorrowful song of help to the gods.The tree dance as she sang

“Amoosu (meaning witch in Igbo dialect)”The villagers accuses Ifeyinwa

Chidi and Amara cried the more.

Mrs Adaku was shocked,she never knew all this.

“So my kids have been keeping secrets from me”Mrs Adaku soliquies

The King didn’t inquire about Ifeyinwa to the ezeomu of the community before taking action.

“What are we going to do to her “The King asked

“Let her be killed”Few of the villagers answered

“Let her be barnished out of our community”Others answered

The King decided to barnish Ifeyinwa from the community..

“On Orie market day,she will be barnished from this community,for now she will be locked up in the palace”The King answered.

While going home,Chidi and Amara were angry with their mother

“Mama you’re wicked,you didn’t even care to beg the igwe and tell everyone that Ifeyinwa is innocent,she is not a witch”Chidi told his mother

“How can I defend a witch, didn’t you see the magic she exhibited there”Mrs Adaku replied

“Mama I’m surprised to hear this from you,so you believe that Ifeyinwa is a witch”Amara asked her

“Yes,thanks to the gods of our land she is caught”Mrs Adaku said

Ifeyinwa was locked up in the palace prison for days without food.

Mrs Adaku was done cooking and left the kitchen,Chidi and Amara entered the kitchen,they brought out a plastic plate and dish out food.They took the food to the palace.

Chika was a maid in the palace,she loves Ifeyinwa and felt pity on her.She was the only maid that never believe that Ifeyinwa was a witch.

That afternoon Chidi and Amara came to the palace,they met Chika outside the palace,she was discussing with other maids.Chidi and Amara called Chika,as if they knew it was her that will help them deliver the food to Ifeyinwa

“Please help us,I know Ifeyinwa is dieing in hunger,we don’t want anything to happen to her, please help us give her this food”Chidi and Amara pleaded,they were crying

“It’s nothing,no need for you both to cry, I’ll give her the food,It’s risky but I’ll be able to give her the food as I’m working here”Chika assured them

“Thank you very much,let’s go and see the King”They thanked her and left

Chika was careful,no one saw her,she from the backyard and entered the palace,went to the prison

Ifeyinwa was crying and singing

“If they barnish me from my community I have no where to go, I’m an orphan”Ifeyinwa cried

On hearing that Chika could not control herself she cried,Chika was also an orphan and also went through alot before she was able to work in the palace.

“Ifeyinwa gods of our land will fight for you, your cousins brought this food for you, please take it,I don’t want any one to see me”Chika told her and left

Chidi and Amara entered the palace,they saw the King sitting on his throne,the elders were leaving when they came in.

Chidi and Amara bowed before the King and greeted him

“Igweee,may you live long”They greeted

“My children you’re welcome”The King answered

Chidi and Amara sat on the floor

“Igwe please we are here because of Ifeyinwa,Igwe please believe us Ifeyinwa is not a witch”Chidi said

“Ifeyinwa is a witch,is only a witch that does magic”The King answered them

Chidi and Amara tried their best to convince the King that Ifeyinwa was not a witch but the King never believe them.

They went home disappointed.

Mrs Adaku was outside waiting for her children

“So this children gave a witch my food,let them come back first”Mrs Adaku said as she was stamping her feet on the ground and her hands were on her waist while she waited for her children.

Chidi and Amara were not scared of their mother.

“Where are you both coming back from”She asked

“From the palace mama”Amara replied

“So you both thief my food and went to the palace to give to that witch”Mrs Adaku querried them

“Mama Ifeyinwa is not a witch”Chidi replied

“And mama as you don’t care for her,we care for her we are not wicked like you”Amara said

They entered the house,Mrs Adaku pursued them.

“You both have grown wings to talk to me as you like right”Mrs Adaku shouted

Two maidens gossip about Ifeyinwa.

“I feel for Ifeyinwa,if they barnish her, where will she go to,Other communities will reject her because she is a witch”Ogechi said pitifully

“Why would you pity a witch,Any where she find her self let her take,if in the forest”Oramma said

Finally the orie market day arrived.

The village town crier announced to the villagers to all gathered at the palace,so they can escort Ifeyinwa out of the village

In umuzi community any witch that will be barnished from the community will be excorted and cross the boundary

The village town crier hit the gong

“Kom Kom Kom”The sounds of the gong

“Today is the day Ifeyinwa will be barnished out of our community, everyone should come to the palace and let’s excort her out of our community.”The village town crier announced to everyone

Mrs Adaku and her children heard the announcement and started preparing

Chidi and Amara wasn’t happy,they cried when they heard the announcement

“Oh why,Poor Ifeyinwa have no relation except us,no one will like to accept her knowing fully well that her community says she is a witch”Chidi said

“Why are you crying,go and prepare fast let’s go”Mrs Adaku told him

All the villagers heard the announcement and they all left what they were doing and went to the palace because if any one is seen at home will be punished severely by the King

The villagers gathered in the palace,The King guards opened the prison and took Ifeyinwa to the palace,she was weak and tired.

Chidi and Amara cried and rolled themselves on the ground when they saw Ifeyinwa.

“Oh will today be the last day we will see Ifeyinwa,so she will be barnished out of our community forever”Chidi muttered to himself as tears rolled out from his eyes.

“Please you all should listen to me, Ifeyinwa is not a witch”Chidi said with boldness

“Chidi will you shut up”His mother shouted at him

The villagers still didn’t believe on what Chidi was saying.

The cloud changed, there was heavy wind and thunderstorms and lightening, It was a bad sign.Read more
